Recently, my hips have become tighter, so I decided to go to a massage shop recommended by a friend! My friend told me that there was a beautiful massager at the same time, and she was my favorite eyeglass girl! If you go to that store with a pale expectation, the massager Itsuki of the glasses girls as reputable welcomed! After a simple counseling on the sofa while nervous, I slept in the changeover treatment table in the treatment clothes of paper pants! The desk work is long, but the waist that has been stiffened up to sluggishness is mainly gently loosened out! After a while, I noticed that this massager's oppy is too big and it seems to come to my body often during the treatment! It's bad for you to continue the massage seriously, but my chico has gradually started erecting! I have provoked such an energetic panty with my face as if I noticed it! What a stinky smell stimulates my nose tip! Before long, I was completely defeated by the temptation of such an stingy massager, and as well as doing unexpected lucky sex, I went out inside a beautiful pie panma ○ko. look at everything.