I am Kawagoe Sensei. Class of the year... She was a good woman in both literary and military arts. And a little too much. Naturally, it is needless to say that it is the flower of the ridge in the campus. However, I thought that I wanted to convey only this thought, and confessed it by the honorable death of the world. But Kawagoe Sensei is funny. Do you feel sad about me who is shaking? No, very serious look! "Rin, I'm a hundred pounds, so I can't associate with a boy... But if you are, you know... Even if I become a girl, I will associate with... Do you speak Japanese? I was made to be a girl to the seniority to the seniority accurately. I am not honest with my figure reflected in the mirror. No! And, when the sentry snatched in my heart, the senior deprived me of my lips...